Sunday, November 18, 2007

i dont knw me

living all these years i still find dificulty in explainin me.
explainin me can be done by the word - carelesss
i have been so for a long time and for that very fact of being careless i dont care about knowin me. stupidity ! i knw ..
my like s have alway been changing.
my desires have always been growing.
i love challenges. in all ways.
my greatest problem i face is my short lived enthusiasm for a work. many a times i start off with a great zeal but with time it declines so much ( more likely to say exponentially . haa )
i love to be social. take responsibilties ..
i said i am careless but its nt tht i dont watn to stay away from my moral duties or obligations..
i love to work and find happiness in it... but after two days you ask me about it i wouldnt be remeberin much abt it. CAReleZZ !
i dnt have dimentia or alzhemiers ! dont misunderstand my carelezznes with short term memory loss... hee
i like eatin... eating wat ? eatin almost evrytin..
sleepin i used to like...
hello... if i start sayn this , it could be more volumnous than the oxford dictionary..
but one thing is true
i dont knw me !!

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